Driver of hijacked vehicle is guilty, not the owner |
by Peter A. Belmont / 2010-06-05
© 2010 Peter Belmont
When a car deliberately mows down pedestrians while being driven by a hijacker, it is the hijacker who is guilty, not the owner.
Once a more-or-less innocent drive turned into a criminal spree.
The driver of the car was pushed aside by the mechanic. Even if the driver had a beautiful, a just, or merely a defensible destination and itinerary, his mechanic (who thought that he alone knew how to make the car work) replaced the driver and redefined the destination and itinerary.
Admirers from afar remembered, always and sometimes rather desperately, the destination and itinerary chosen by the (original) driver—and ignored the actual destination and itinerary chosen by the actual driver (originally merely the mechanic).
Now when we ask whether the destination (“ends”) justifies the itinerary (“means”), we must recognize that the itinerary has delivered us to quite another destination than that described by the (original) driver. It was not a “means” directed to the original “ends” at all. The “ends” had deliberately been redefined.
Perhaps you suppose I am speaking of Israel, and perhaps I am. The original more-or-less innocent liberal Zionist dream would always have involved at least a little of crime and violence, for the Palestinian Arab people would never willingly have given up their country. As every Israeli knows and as many say. But that liberal Zionism was hijacked by those who believed that nothing but a never-ending spree of crime and violence would satisfy their needs. And Zionism was transformed into what we’ve seen since 1967, and especially since 2000.
So, if I was speaking of Israel, I was also speaking of the USA, which long ago let the driver’s keys be stolen by the corporations and big-money boys and—becoming subject to the constant control of money—thus surrendered control (as to Israel) to The Lobby.
Is it time to take back the keys?
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