Opinions of Peter Belmont
Speaking Truth to Power

Democrats and Republicans are the same, only different

by Peter A. Belmont / 2010-09-24
© 2010 Peter Belmont


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Some thoughts prompted by reading Juan Cole’s essay
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Democrats and Republicans. The same only different. Viva American democracy!

Republicans dance to the tune of the big-money boys and do so by “leaders” (or actors) (aka politicians) who appeal to unrealistic and ideological fears (such as fear that families will somehow not remain intact or sacrosanct—hence stress on the importance of “family values” and opposition to birth control, abortion, homosexuality) (fear of military insecurity)[1] (and also appeal to fear of witchcraft, fear of goblins, fear of dark corners, fear of every sort of thing that goes bump in the night) but do not publicly reveal their true purposes (further enrichment of the already unreasonably rich, further consolidation of corporate power of governance—fascism—with military-industrial-Congressional complex as principal example).

Their stated purposes rarely conflict directly with their hidden purposes. Thus, they are emotionally and message-wise unconflicted. They know where they are going, know what they must do to get there, know who pays the freight, and as errand-boys are fearless in doing what must be done.

Democrats, too, dance to the tune of the big-money boys and do so by “leaders” (or actors) (aka politicians) who must disguise this real program. In this the two parties are the same.

Democrats, however, often appeal to the middle class and poor on purely practical grounds of dispelling quite realistic fears (fear of lack of medical care, fear of impoverished old age, fear of being discriminated against, as examples) and in a rather disorganized fashion sometimes tepidly push forward social legislation. But, like Republicans, Democrats do not publicly reveal their true purposes (further enrichment of the already unreasonably rich, further consolidation of corporate power of governance—fascism—with military-industrial-Congressional complex as principal example). Their stated social-program purposes often conflict directly with their hidden purposes. Thus, they are emotionally and message-wise conflicted. And consequently tepid in their public pronouncements.

Democrats don’t really know where they are going, don’t know what they must do to get there, do always know who pays the freight, and are tugged back and forth between the need to avoid scaring the big-money boys and the conflicting need to give a progressive message to the voters. They have no idea what must be done. Lately Democrats have moved “toward the middle” and away from social programs, thereby making themselves less conflicted and less distinguishable from Republicans.

Hooray for American-style democracy (and a special cheer for the Supreme Court for reminding us that it is the corporations, the real seats of wealth and thus of power, which do and should—or so the Supreme Court believes—control America).

Goblins! Scary! Fortunately, we’ll always have the super-rich to guide us toward the American dream.


[1] The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were started and are now being continued to assuage American fears of military insecurity, despite the fact that the only military insecurity discernible in recent years is the failure of the US military to divert the aircraft which crashed into the Twin Towers on 9/11/2001.


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