by Peter A. Belmont / 2011-05-02
© 2011 Peter Belmont
It seems just a bit silly that the USA has spent, what?, $1T to prosecute the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq all in the name (or sometimes in the name) of GWOT (and Bin Laden) when, by the expense of a comparatively few dollars (what? $1M?) for 2 small missiles, our indomitable Air Force could, on 9/11/2001, have shot down the two airplanes which flew so evidently off course and targeted buildings in NYC.
I wonder why those airplanes were not shot down. Anyone official ever ask (in public)? Of course, this way, we got so much valuable practice fighting wars against our ever-so-tough opponents. And vastly expanded the numbers of our ever-so-tough opponents so that we have a wonderfully recurring, ever-expanding opportunity for war-fighting. (Well, you know, against this sort of pip-squeeks.)
At least, until China and others stop lending us money.
But that’d be OK too!
Absolutely amazingly, our financial geniuses have figured that out, too. How to generate free money! Gee-Whiz. (But, sorry, only for big banks. See:Banks Play Shell Game With Taxpayer Dollars: The TARP Swindle Exposed) The BB borrows from Bernanke at 0% interest and lends it to — YES! — the USA at , say, 2%, and makes money (called interest) which the USA gladly pays them for this rather comforting transaction. So that, in effect, the USA hands money to BBs and they hand it back and make interest on it. Great idea, hunh?
Financial genius is born, not made! Three cheers for Bernanke, Goldman Sachs, and the very few but very select others who’ve contrived (with Congressional approval) to deliver the keys to the kingdom to the guys who not only swindled us during the housing bubble and securitized-mortgages scandal, but keep right on doing it to us. How Congress loves to see the USA swangdangled!. It’s a pleasure to see so important a job so very well done!
So, now, indefinite wars can be FREE! Yea!! (But only if the BBs pay for them.) (Kindly forget, for this purpose, that the USA must pay them interest on these loans.) And we needn’t fire all the police/firefighters/teachers/socialworkers. Money for everyone and never-ending war for those who love that sort of thing.