by Peter A. Belmont / 2011-05-18
© 2011 Peter Belmont
When I discovered RSS feeds, I subscribed to just a few of them, and my browser, Firefox, automatically put them onto a “toolbar” called its “Bookmarks Toolbar”.
I may have had about 10 RSS feeds, and they were all on the Bookmarks Toolbar (and nothing else was). I thought this toolbar was just for RSS feeds!
But no, it’s entirely general. Anything you can establish after clicking “Organize Bookmarks” you can also put up on/in the Bookmarks Toolbar—FOLDERs, LINKs, RSS Feeds. Just move the item to “Bookmarks toolbar” as you would move anything anywhere in the bookmarks system.
So, if (as I have now done) you have 50 RSS feeds (instead of merely 10), you can make directories (FOLDERs) of RSS feeds and place those directories (FOLDERs) into the Bookmarks Toolbar, where they operate as drop-down lists. In my case, they operate as drop-down lists of RSS feeds.
But they could operate (in complete generality) as drop-down lists of simple LINKs, or FOLDERS of LINKs, FOLDERS of RSS feeds, FOLDERS of Mixed, FOLDERS of FOLDERS, etc.
Try it. It’s fun! I hope Internet Explorer offers the same possibilities, but I don’t know, since I trust my luck (as to Operating Systems) with Ubuntu, a Linux variant.