Opinions of Peter Belmont
Speaking Truth to Power

Why Government FOR the PEOPLE matters

by Peter A. Belmont / 2011-06-19
© 2011 Peter Belmont


Some believe—as Lincoln suggested—that the government of the USA is “of the people, by the people, and for the people” but, increasingly, government is seen as “for the big corporations” without much regard to the desires or needs of “the people”. The response to the banking crisis is often cited as a proof of this.

You may sense that corporate-centric governance is “wrong”, but have you thought about why?

One reason is that we have built a political system that, in being almost solely responsive to the expressed desires of big corporations, which have very short planning time-lines, is nearly completely impervious to the need or possibility of long-term national planning.

Responding to Global Warming, (“GW”, also called human induced climate change) can only be done by governments and only by mechanisms that respond well to long-term problems.

This, the USA lacks.


People are unlike corporations in many ways. What’s good for a particular corporation may not be at all good for the people who ultimately own the shares of that corporation. When government responds to lobbying (and campaign contributions, bribes, or what not) from corporations and passes legislation (or makes administrative regulations and decisions, or even judicial decisions) in favor of corporations, the government may in fact be acting directly against many interests of the public (world public, national public, local public) in general, and even against the interests of most shareholders of the same corporation.

Corporations are essentially one-dimensional. They exist to make a profit and to distribute that profit to their shareholders either through dividends (this is the old style measure of corporate value) or through growth of share price on stock exchanges. Their measure is money, and money alone. And their time-line is 1-year, 5-years, maybe 10-years (although the modern mechanisms for rewarding CEOs with enormous salaries and bonuses stress very short term stock-price improvement above all other values).

People, by contrast, are concerned with money, but also with availability and quality and cost of food, water, air, energy, medical assistance, housing, transportation, information, and—after these basics—many other things. they are also concerned with the health and happiness of their own children, perhaps also of the next one or several generations more generally.

People may be, and some are, concerned for the good of others, including future generations, even world-wide.

Thus corporations have very narrow concerns, both in subject-matter and as to time-lines, whereas people have whole ranges of concerns and, in many cases, much longer time-lines.

Global Warming

When a corporation learns that a mysterious thing called “global warming” requires enormous and expensive changes to the way an entire society behaves, where it gets its energy, etc., it asks only one question: is there anything good for the corporation in a 1-year, 5-year, or 10-year time period to be gained by reacting to this mysterious “global warming”?

Most people know by now that the chief demand upon society to deal as well as still possible with global warming (GW: also called human induced climate change) is to stop burning fossil fuels, now, today, cold turkey, entirely. Not easy to do, not cheap, not convenient. But necessary if the dreadful calamitous ravages of GW (described here[1]) are to be avoided as much as is still possible.

OK. We know this, and some people try to talk about it, try to get something going in this direction, even if it is not enough.[2]

But what about corporations?

If the corporation is a fossil fuel seller, an oil or coal or natural gas producing or selling or using company, it says, “Hell No!” and lobbies against any government action to deal with the threat.

Most other corporations find that responding to “global warming” would require them to make costly changes without increasing profits, and they either say, “Hell No!” or they say nothing.

No corporations (other than a few very small experimental-science startups) have any reason to say, “Yes! Let’s fight global warming and let’s get started right now.”

What about people?

If people are concerned with future generations, if people are seeing the forest fires and floods and melt-offs of glaciers that are happening right now, today, they begin to realize that something should be done.

But the people are fragmented and disorganized. In the huge array of lobbies in Washington DC, BIG BANKS, BIG CREDIT CARDS, BIG OIL, BIG COAL, BIG PHARMA, BIG AGRI, BIG ARMAMENTS (and the VERY RICH), there is no-one to represent the people.

Our interests and our voices are unheard.

And since our political process practically guarantees that no-one will become a Congressman or Senator or President unless he/she has learned to take direction from (and for the most part, only from) the BIGs (the corporations), there is little chance that those who represent us will (a) have the brains, intelligence, experience, knowledge, judgment, to understand long-range threats (such as the ever important GW), (b) have the time to devote to understanding and thinking about these long-range problems. Why? Because they all wish to be re-elected and must therefore respond to the needs of the BIGs which, almost alone, fund their re-election campaigns.

We have built a political system that is nearly completely impervious to the need or possibility of long-term planning.[3]

We have built a political system that is nearly completely impervious to the needs of “the people”.


[1] Most people are aware that GW will usher in melting of polar ice-caps, raising sea-levels and flooding low-lying coastal regions. Even nuclear power plants have been flooded! Some people know that GW is anticipated to continue and intensify the strong storms, flooding, and disruption of rain-fall and both patterns of snow-fall and snow-melting times (tending to quicker snow-melt and less steady water availability in dry months) that people are already experiencing, world-wide. The excessive amounts of CO2 and methane that humankind releases into the atmosphere also get absorbed into sea-water, acidifying the ocean to the peril of sea life. See a news-story on human-induced harm to the oceans here (BBC-news-story).


[2] GW comes about because of the accumulation of greenhouse gases, CO2 and methane and others, in the atmosphere. Even when humankind cuts back on the issuance of greenhouse gases, it still adds to the accumulation of those gases in the atmosphere. The total amount of the gases increases. that is why merely cutting back on greenhouse gas production would still lead to the ravages of GW. It might make them occur later or to a smaller degree, but it is now too late to avoid them altogether.


[3] In India, a proposal for a governmental agency charged with concern for climate change has been put forward by a gentleman who spoke of climate change 40 years ago!—suggesting that India, too, has no-one (yet) looking into the future of the planet.


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