Opinions of Peter Belmont
Speaking Truth to Power

How to save the taxpayers some money at election time

by Peter A. Belmont / 2011-12-01
© 2011 Peter Belmont

  A policy of “zero-base foreign aid” [1] would be no threat to Israel, because USA’s gifts to Israel are not foreign aid at all, but rather black-mail or bribes, you know. The USA gives Israel $3B/yr and, in return, AIPAC, etc., give our politicians (of both parties) a total of (who knows) $500M (?).

What a deal! USA pols give away taxpayers’ money (I estimate) $3B/yr to get back (to the pols, of course!, not to the taxpayers) (I estimate) $0.5B.

Be a lot cheaper to have tax-payers directly fund elections, only cost the tax-payers $0.5B to give $0.5B to the political parties.

Better yet, we could demand that all political advertising on radio or TV (including cable and satellite) be produced FREE by the broadcasting companies on a 50-50% basis (leaving, so sorry, all third parties on their own in the cold of the internet and email and tweets) during the 60 days before any election. After all, Americans own our own airwaves (and cable franchising licensing, etc.), don’t we?


[1] Republican candidates for president briefly endorsed “zero-base foreign aid” until Democrats pointed out that this appeared to threaten the always-sacrosanct $3B/yr USA gift to Israel.


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