Opinions of Peter Belmont
Speaking Truth to Power

Global Warming is causing disease world wide—not (only) tomorrow but today.

by Peter A. Belmont / 2011-12-23
© 2011 Peter Belmont


We should all read this article Could Public Health Benefits Make Combating Climate Change Free? in Scientific American.

Global warming is now credited with damaging health in various ways in much of the world. Not only in the future. Today.

As the article says, “Climate change threatens human health, therefore reducing greenhouse gas emissions may help our medical well-being, too.”


As a result, WHO—and a consortium of other public health organizations—declared climate change to be among the most pressing emerging health issues in the world at the recent climate negotiations here in South Africa. Consider some of the changes that are already taking place: extreme heat waves, such as the one in Europe in 2003 that killed 46,000 people; changes in bacterial diseases due to water contamination and a quickening of bacterial growth rates in warmer temperatures; worsening levels of ground-level ozone, otherwise known as smog, which is responsible for worsening asthma and heart attacks (among other health effects); changes in pollen making allergies worse; changes in vector-borne diseases; as well as droughts, floods and other forms of extreme weather such as the 12 natural disasters in the U.S. this year that caused at least $1 billion in damage.

”Those things are with us now,” says Dr. Hugh Montgomery of the U.K. Climate and Health Council, one of the groups calling for action to combat climate change—and to consider public health when doing so. “If we continue this script, we are writing a death certificate for humanity on our planet.”

Read the whole article.

Time for the nations, and especially for the USA and China, to get going. Global warming’s worst and most frightening damages and injuries are largely in the future, and can be ignored by people who care only for their own convenience and who care nothing for future generations, but minor damage and injury is already with us and there will be more each year.

”Hurry up, please, it’s time!” and “There is no such thing as a free lunch.”


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