Iran believes it can cut off OIL sales to EU |
by Peter A. Belmont / 2012-01-27
© 2012 Peter Belmont
Iran’s parliament on Sunday will consider a measure calling for a halt in oil exports to the European Union as early as next week, in advance of the EU’s embargo of Iranian oil set for July as the West’s dispute over Tehran’s nuclear program continues. (News from Reuters).
Here, Iran merely threatens to do in advance what the EU, presumably with much USA (and, indirectly, Israeli) prodding, was going to do anyway—cut the oil trade between the EU and Iran.
Suppose Iran can, in fact, safely reduce its oil sales to countries it has conflicts with—here the EU countries (and USA).
How much does Iran actually export to those countries? Not much.
Suppose Iran next decides to demand that countries take a decisive political step such as voting for withdrawal of Israeli settlers from all territories still occupied by Israel (I don’t count pre-1967 Israel in that category, but Iran might!).
It might not work, but it would be fun to see it tried.
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