Big money in politics should be political issue number 1 for everyone |
by Peter A. Belmont / 2012-09-28
© 2012 Peter Belmont
Everyone’s political-issue #1 is money in politics.
Until Americans (and others) can substantially wrest control of politics out of the hands of those with “big money”, our nation(s) will be run to serve the VERY SHORT TERM interests of wealthy corporations (such as BIG-OIL, BIG-COAL, which promote use of fossil fuels and thus promote global warming).
Read here a masterful description of the origin and character of the so-called “free-market capitalistic system” (which the author calls “Monetary Fascism” and scroll down to “The Dark Age of Money”.
In the USA, I suggest a constitutional amendment to limit political spending so that human beings alone may spend for political action, and each person should be limited to an annual cumulative maximum (say $1000, or $5000) of political spending. The big money of corporations (and their very wealthy CEOs and owners) will be effectively removed from the political picture, because the corporations will not be allowed to spend for lobbying and campaigning and Citizens-United-spending, and their (not very numerous) CEOs and owners, as individuals, will have no greater rights to spend than anyone else.
Getting ALL political candidates to “take a pledge” to support a constitutional amendment to achieve this should be part of EVERY small-D democratic political movement, party platform, advocacy program, etc.
Every environmental group, anti-war group, human-rights-group, labor-union-rights, etc., etc. should SUPPORT THE PLEDGE.
There are many “devils” in the details of the constitutional amendment. Boy, Oh! boy! Don’t I know it? See my attempt. So, you don’t like my first feeble efforts? Then try it yourself!
But somehow, it’s got to be done.
HemiFaulk 2012-10-04 |
Yes something must be done if we are to lesssen bloodshed between nations. Petro dollars and Oligarchs rule the airwaves and make rules that do not benefit society, yet the tug and strain of Capitalism-Marxism continues in global affairs, melding at top levels when it suits them
I will refrain from commenting on Marc Ellis at Mondo. on the prophetic, yet I liked your comments enough to follow you here to say yes, if they were not so rude to their neighbors the results would be more peaceful. I almost feel like I just told a joke to write that, very sad indeed. Hillel could not have been wrong, right?
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