Opinions of Peter Belmont
Speaking Truth to Power

re: The growing indifference to Israel

by Peter A. Belmont / 2014-01-10
© 2014 Peter Belmont


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I respond to The Growing Indifference to Israel by M.J.Rosenberg, posted: 01/09/2014.

This is a very serious essay, in which MJR claims that few (in USA) now care to support Israel except the big-money folks generally known as “AIPAC”[1]

I think MJR’’s claim is exaggerated. A lot of Americans still support Israel—including (mostly older) Jews—who now protest the ASA and MLA boycott-related academic actions; and a seemingly huge number of Evangelical Christians who earnestly hope that their support for Israel will bring about the end of the world by touching off the great War of Armageddon said to be predicted in the Bible. (As to bringing on the end of the world, how odd that capitalism’s very, very own Global Warming seems to be doing that—and will probably beat the Evangelicals to the punch whether or not Israel fights more wars—and in a very Bible-free manner.

But back to MJR, who has some interesting things to say, comparing Israel’s present course of conduct (introduction of more and more impossible requirements before Israel will make peace with the Palestinians, and, I’d add, continuing massive confiscation of land in occupied territories, continued massive introduction of settlers and building of settlements in occupied territories) to a drinking binge of a friend with an alcohol problem whose friends (including American Jews) should protest, but which instead they close their eyes to:

This is the way it will be until either the Israelis bring down its government of settlers and religious fanatics, the president decides to ignore the lobby and impose an agreement on both sides, or the Palestinians succeed in changing the situation on the ground. (As for Iran, I think Obama is going to achieve a deal despite AIPAC and its cutouts in Congress, so I am less worried about that).
By now Herzl would be thinking about moving back to Europe. The secular Herzl, who wanted rabbis out of positions of influence and the Arab minority very much in, would have no place in Israel. But I’m sure he would visit every so often, maybe along with Chaim Weizmann, Ahad Ha’am, and Martin Buber.

MJR has his distorting glasses, as anyone does. He sees no actors which could influence the USA/Israel/Palestine drama other than those named. He ignores citizen action (BDS), tax and trade action by EU, and all others.

Like so many commentators, especially Zionists, he also ignores any “program for change” other than peace-making. In particular, he ignores the possibility of an international push to either end or force-legal-compliance-upon Israel’s occupation.

He ignores BDS’s increasing successes and the EU’s palpable and very slowly increasing independence of the AIPAC-given line which the USA slavishly follows. He ignores the possible impact of the recent EU-related Dutch Pension Fund pull-out from Israeli banks of $170 billion due to the support given by those Israeli banks for investments in Israel’s illegal West Bank settlements.

My hope, and I trust the hope of anyone of pro-Palestinian (or pro-human rights or pro-international law) sympathies is that BDS generally and the EU’s recent labelling and the Dutch Pension actions in particular will injure (or threaten to injure) Israeli business to the point that those business will use their political weight inside Israel to end the occupation or remove the settlers, the wall, the settlement buildings, and the horrible Israeli siege on Gaza.

But MJR, while he doesn’t refer to these things, does suggest that support for Israel is declining among Jews and also right-wing Christians:
So we [Jews] ignore them, even though we know Israel is committing suicide.

In fact, our indifference helps create the conditions for suicide. After all, if Jews don’t much care about Israel anymore, then who does?

Right-wing Christians? True, they “love” Israel but not nearly as much as they love the idea of banning abortion, discriminating against GLBT people, lowering taxes on the rich, erecting walls against immigrants, eliminating unemployment insurance, and winning the War Against Christmas. They like talking about Israel a lot (mainly to inoculate themselves against the charge of anti-semitism which most Jews sense they are) and as part of the active dream of some to convert the Jews. But that is about it.

No, the only Americans that Israel can count on are Jews, and they are losing interest. Big time.

What MJR chiefly ignores is the (remote) possibility that either the USA or the EU will create pressure to [1] drop for the moment the “peace process” as a dead letter and [2] adopt instead a project to require Israel to comply with the international law of belligerent occupation at least so far as to remove from all occupied territories including East Jerusalem all settlers (i.e., Israeli nationals), the wall (as required by the ICJ in July 2004), the settlement buildings (see UNSC Res. 465 (1980)), and the unspeakable siege of Gaza.


[1] The big-money folks who support Israel in the USA are better known as “BIG-ZION” (in parallel with BIG-BANKS, BIG-DEFENSE, BIG-OIL, KOCH-Bros., etc., the mega-corporations and very rich folks, which/who as oligarchs rule America.)


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