Thought-suppression by establishment Jewish organizations |
by Peter A. Belmont / 2014-01-30
© 2014 Peter Belmont
What’s interesting about the Hillel purity-of-opinion-test is [1] that it purports to define opinion acceptable to JEWS rather than opinion acceptable to ZIONISTS (Hillel is nominally about JEWS, not about ZIONISTS) and then adopts a rule which is clearly about ZIONIST credentials and in no way about Jewish anything; and [2] was presumably meant to be secret (that is, just-among-the-family).
Now it is all over the place, not secret at all. Big-money Jews (who else supports Hillel or any other establishment Jewish organizations?) are saying, in effect, that a Jew who is not ready to knuckle under to Zionist pressure and to espouse Zionist opinion is not an acceptable Jew.
In summary: anyone (any Jew) who espouses BDS or the boycott of Israel over its violations of international law and Palestinian human rights is not welcome at Hillel (not welcome within the Jewish “tent” as defined by National Hillel).
And some thought that Jewish people were about argument, difference of opinion, etc. Party-lines were for totalitarians, and the 20th century saw enough of those which were not after all all that friendly to Jews, were they? But I digress—here we’re talking about Jewish totalitarianism. The big-money goons are cool with that, but not young Jews so much. At Harvard. At Brandeis, At Swarthmore. Anywhere, I’d guess (even perhaps inside Israel).
So Jewish totalitarianism is now public. Even those who do not remember the 1984 Boston Symphony firing Vanessa Redgrave now have ample evidence of the totalitarian leanings, the speech-suppressive leanings, the thought-control and thought-police leanings of the big-money establishment Jewish organizations. (As if AIPAC and its current lets-wreck-Obama’s-negotiations-with-Iran IRAN business weren’t enough).
My question is this: when are ordinary Jews going to stand up on their legs and tell the Jewish establishment where to get off?
Two Jews, One opinion?
One Million Jews, One opinion?
This is not about PO-TAY-TOE and PO-TAH-TO. It’s time to call this whole thing off.
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