by Peter A. Belmont / 2014-02-06 © 2014 Peter Belmont
RSS Recent Essays (All Topics) •(12/23) How did we get to October 7th?•(11/23) Our Political Habits Are Ending The Human Race•(10/23) Sketch of Israel-Palestine History•(10/23) Whoever controls the discourse controls emotional reactions to reality•(08/23) Russia On Trial•(01/23) The Purpose of "Conservatism"•(10/22) The project of returning the earth to the cockroaches couldn't be in better hands!•(05/22) Abortion, The Constitution, And The Supreme Court •(03/22) The Problem of Climate Change Framing or Discourse or Understanding•(06/21) Israel-Palestine: If not apartheid, then what?I have written about the control of the USA by what I call “oligarchy”—the BIGs: BIG-BANKs, BIG-OIL, BIG-DEFENSE, BIG-PHARMA, etc., etc., and by very wealthy individuals (Koch Bros, Bloomberg, etc.). Well, I’m not entirely wrong (according to a fantastic web-site) nor yet entirely right. But the USA’s government—according to this account—is certainly less powerful than the BIGS! And they less powerful than the big BANKS and they less powerful than historically wealthy families. So who knows the truth? But a great read. I cannot do justice to the diagram in the article, so see it yourself!
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