Opinions of Peter Belmont
Speaking Truth to Power

Who’s Worse? Climate Change Deniers or Tepid Climate Change Endorsers?

by Peter A. Belmont / 2015-12-15
© 2015 Peter Belmont

  Paris / COP21 is concluded. As everyone is saying, there is good news and bad news coming out of Paris. The nations have said that they recognize (endorse) the truth of the “theory” of manmade global warming climate change (“GWCC”) and have also said they will do something about reducing the emission of greenhouse gases (“GHG”), GHGs being the cause of GWCC. The nations are all, or almost all, “enemies” of GWCC and they will fight it.

All to the good. However, there are, especially among the maddening and quite mad American know-nothing conservative-fundamentalist crew, GWCC-deniers, people who say the theory is a hoax and they’ll refuse to do anything to avoid GWCC, especially pay money or become inconvenienced.

The deniers are bad news, no question. Their “program” as to GWCC is to do nothing to avert it, to do nothing to accommodate its effects (such as rising sea-levels and more frequent and more dangerous storms), and to pursue life as usual. As we know (by “we” I mean intelligent, well-meaning people who are not prisoners of any of several death-wishing ideologies), continuing to live “life as usual” even for a few more years will surely condemn the earth to deadly tortures which will make the inconveniences of averting GWCC look like mosquito bites by comparison. Deadly droughts, deadly regimes of high day-time temperatures, deadly storms, deadly woodland fires—all these have already become commonplace, there to be known about by people wishing to know.

It must be admitted, however, that it is not always easy to know where to go for up-to-date climate-change information. The American mainstream media, for instance, have not always put informing the public ahead of other goals, such as coddling fundamentalist ideologues and making money, including money paid by GWCC-deniers.

Well, I’ll say it again: the GWCC-deniers are bad, bad news, and so are any media which act like deniers by tailoring the news to avoid giving the public a true picture of what is now happening world-wide and what is likely to happen if the people of the earth do not “go to war” against GWCC.

But, not to worry, right? Most of the governments of the world have signed on to COP21, and identified themselves as “endorsers” and thus as “enemies” of GWCC.

Sounds good, but not so fast. Better keep worrying.

So far, the governments of the world even when “endorsing” GWCC, are such tepid endorsers that their inaction can scarcely be distinguished from the do-nothing full-steam-ahead “program” of the deniers.

Why Are the Nations Tepid on GWCC?

The USA and other countries maintain huge militaries which use a vast amount of fossil fuels and (as far as I can see) are not about to stop doing so. Furthermore, these militaries are going to continue fighting wars, and war-fighting is also a climate “no no”. And still furthermore, the news media have a tendency to report only what their host governments wish to be reported and to hide the rest—and part of what seems likely to be hidden is the GWCC-cost of these militaries and their wars.

By the way, no joke, COP21 (deliberately) failed to deal with the problem of GHGs emitted by aviation (including military aviation) or with GHGs emitted by shipping in our age of ever expanding international trade.

Neither of these is a small or negligible source of GHGs.

I’ve been waiting to hear a promise that all electric generation in the USA (or even 90% of it) will be “green” by 2030, and I have not heard it. I have not seen even a start toward this kind of goal.

If our governments were not “tepid” on GWCC, they’d have had large-scale public discussions of such a project and would have begun it—years ago. Hasn’t happened.

There always seems to be time to dither when actually acting to avert GWCC is in discussion. There is always time to talk of other things in order to avert talking about GWCC.

One might ask—why isn’t President Obama teaching the American public about the current ill effects and predicted later ill effects of GWCC? If he doesn’t teach the public, who is he depending upon to do it?

I’ve got no idea.

Being tepid. As bad as being a denier. For practical purposes.


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