Opinions of Peter Belmont
Speaking Truth to Power

Model Resolution
Demanding Action To Achieve
Zero Emissions of Greenhouse Gases

by Peter A. Belmont / 2016-03-14
© 2016 Peter Belmont

  The members of [ORGANIZATION NAME]

     • Being greatly concerned with the multiple threats arising from Global Warming and resulting Climate Change;

     • Wishing to make their voices heard regarding minimizing the same;

     • Believing that it is imperative that the USA stop emitting human-generated greenhouse gases as soon as technically possible;

     • Believing that it is imperative that the USA stop emitting human-generated greenhouse gases without delaying because of political or economic considerations;

     • Believing that the USA, without delaying other aspects of this process, should immediately begin replacing all fossil-fuel-powered electric generation capability—whether privately or publicly owned—by renewably-powered electric generation and do so as soon and as quickly as possible; and

     • Having duly voted upon this matter, it is hereby



     [1] Declares its determination that the government of the USA (and all its state and local governments) should work expeditiously and urgently to eliminate man-made greenhouse gas emissions from within the USA, from all sources, as soon as feasible; exception being made for emissions from necessary agricultural and animal-husbandry operations; and exception being made for emergency electric power generation facilities;

     [2] Calls upon those governments to act immediately to prevent the construction, increase in generating capacity, or new connection to any electric power distribution “grid” of any fossil-fuel-powered electric generating facility, whether attached (or intended to be attached) to a public grid, a private grid, a governmental grid, a military grid, or otherwise; exception being made for emergency electric generating facilities;

     [3] Calls upon the federal government to determine, as comprehensibly as reasonably possible, and to publish, monthly, the total amount of fossil-fuel-powered electric generation capacity in the USA which is capable of producing electric power and is not already disabled or forbidden to be used or permanently “off-line”;

     [4] Calls upon those governments to permanently remove from use, in each month hereafter over a period of about 9 years, an amount not less than 1% of the maximum amount of on-line fossil-fuel-powered electric generation capacity that the USA has had since 2016 of then-on-line fossil-fuel-powered electric generating capacity, the same to be taken “off-line” (or forbidden to be used); and this electric power generation capacity to be replaced with renewably-powered electric generation facilities (solar power and wind power, for example), causing and/or encouraging the replacement electric generation facilities to be built either by governments or privately, either in large facilities or in small ones (such as roof-top solar); this monthly process to be continued until no fossil-fueled electric power generation facilities in the USA remain “on-line” (or allowed to be used); exception being made for emergency power generation facilities;

     [5] Calls upon those governments to cause local electric power distributing enterprises (“utilities”) to provide at reasonable cost for the connection to the utility’s grid of local renewable electric power generation facilities (for example, rooftop solar installations) and the purchase of power from such local renewable power generating facilities at the same rates the utility charges similar customers for electric power; to assess no discriminatory charges, fees, or rates against any customer because that customer has—or does not have—the use of a renewable electric power generation facility; and to allow each customer to elect to purchase electric power from an ESCO (“electric service company / energy supply company”) which may or may not be the same company as the “utility”;

     [6] Calls upon those governments to immediately end all subsidies (including tax benefits) that support the production, importation, exportation, sale, or use of fossil-fuels; and calls upon those governments to make the subsidies so “saved” available as subsidies to encourage the building of publicly and privately owned renewably-powered electric generation facilities;

     [7] Calls upon those governments to impose so-called “carbon taxes” on the sale of fossil fuels within the USA; and calls upon those governments to make the “carbon taxes” collected available as subsidies to encourage the building of renewable electric power generation facilities;

     [8] Calls upon all organizations—such as associations of doctors, lawyers, actors, musicians, professors, scientific researchers; labor unions; business organizations; political organizations and political parties; religious organizations—to pass resolutions similar to this one;

     [9] Decides to send a copy of this resolution to the President of the USA and to every Representative and Senator thereof, and to publish this resolution no less often than annually in the New York Times as an advertisement; and

     [10] Decides to remain seized of this matter through a standing committee dedicated to that purpose.


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