Opinions of Peter Belmont
Speaking Truth to Power

Global Warming Climate Change (GWCC) is Like the Holocaust

by Peter A. Belmont / 2016-08-21
© 2016 Peter Belmont

  How is Global Warming Climate Change (GWCC) like the holocaust—Nazi Germany’s deliberate attempt, 1933-1945, to kill all “non-Aryan” (i.e., non-Germanic) people in Europe, chiefly Jews and Gypsies but also many others?

Let me count the ways.

Like Holocaust, Refusal By Governments to Act to Forestall GWCC is Deliberate

First, GWCC must by now be understood and proclaimed to be what it is: a cold-blooded, deliberate attempt by most governments at massive, massive destruction.

By now, something is well understood by all the “players” (governments, lobbyists, political mega-donors) who/which are refusing to act decisively to forestall GWCC. What is it that is well understood?

It is well understood that GWCC is already causing—and will as time passes increasingly cause very much more severe—fires, droughts, and heat-waves, melting of polar ice and glaciers, rising sea levels, ocean acidification and warming, death of coral reefs, storms greatly increased both in frequency and destructiveness, massive rainfall and flooding, geographical spread of diseases among people, plants, and animals due to changes in prevalence and liveliness of insect pests, disruptions of local agriculture, disruption of ocean fisheries—to name but a few.

Even more frightening is the feedback effect whereby the relatively mild already-achieved warming is already—by melting polar permafrost and by warming oceans—causing the release into the atmosphere of immense quantities of methane, a greenhouse gas far more potent than carbon dioxide—methane which has lain trapped in permafrost and frozen seabeds for millenia and is now slowly being released into the atmosphere. Thus, warming is itself increasing warming. (This is what “feedback” means.) This is another reason why governmental failure to act is so important and so threatening. And why I compare it to the holocaust.

The refusal to act to forestall GWCC is cold-blooded and deliberate, and is characteristic of most governments and the “establishments” or “oligarchies” which stand behind them and largely control them.

If you doubt this—particularly as to the USA and its states and cities—ask yourself why neither the federal government nor the states or cities have yet made a decisive switch toward “green” (solar/wind) electric generation (GEG) . The phase-out of fossil-fueled electric generation (FFEG) and its replacement with GEG must be complete by 2030, and the do-nothing governments are still talking about all the time they have left to complete this simple (simple in the greater scheme of things) task of getting “off” the use of fossil-fuels, for getting to Zero-Emissions Day (ZED). Some talk about having until 2050 to get to ZED, and they don’t even suggest that there is any hurry, any urgency, to getting the job done even by then.

And ask why the governments have not yet imposed a tax on the sale of fossil-fuels (“carbon tax”) or ended all subsidies and tax-breaks for producers and users of fossil-fuels. These are conceptually very simple things to do, things which would immediately make green alternatives more economically competitive and tend to use “market forces” to make the switch away from fossil-fuels.

Except perhaps among Republicans, American politicians are not fools and know perfectly well that GWCC is a pressing problem, an emergency, requiring urgent action. But they are corrupt in the sense that they are willing to sacrifice the good of the people, now and especially in future, to the requirements of political donors, the corporations and billionaires who control American politics, those I call “oligarchs”.

Making the transition from FFEG to GEG is just one task for getting to ZED. It is a big task but easy to understand and to do. Ending the use of fossil-fuels in transportation (cars, trucks, aircraft including military, shipping) is a far more complex task. Ending the use of fossil-fuels in factories, building heating, cooking, etc., is likewise a much harder task. But all these and perhaps other tasks are equally necessary. Getting “off” use of fossil-fuels and otherwise ending emissions of greenhouse gases (getting to ZED) is an urgent necessity and every moment counts. There is no time to lose.

What is the difference, today, between Democrats, Republicans, and Greens?

Most Republicans say that GWCC is a hoax and signal their utter refusal to act to forestall GWCC.

By apparent contrast, Democrats say they believe in GWCC and will work to forestall it. But Hillary Clinton has signaled that she will not act anytime soon (and we may expect another 4 years to go by without significant climate action) by appointing a fossil-fuel industry lobbyist to be her transition director.

Green Party candidate Jill Stein calls for climate state of emergency :
Dr Jill Stein called for a national state of emergency to be declared over the rapidly worsening effects of global warming, during a campaign swing through New York.

Promoting her party’s Green New Deal – an agenda designed to address the interconnected problems of climate change and the economy – Stein said the still uncontained Blue Cut fire in California and the record flooding in Louisiana were ample evidence of the worsening effects of climate change.

’The only other option’: Bernie Sanders backers turn to Green party’s Jill Stein

“We need to acknowledge the true state of emergency we are in,” Stein said. “The fires in California and floods in Louisiana are going to become day-by-day occurrences, and, within our lifetimes, there is going to be potentially catastrophic sea-level rise.

“We need to ensure that these disasters do not become a daily way of life for all Americans and people all over the world,” she said, “and this is why we need to declare a climate state of emergency so that we can respond in real time in the ways that we need to.”

In poll after poll, Stein added, the American people say they want substantial action on climate change that meets the severity of the crisis. She called for empowering Americans to instruct their elected officials – namely Congress – to act in their interests, not in the interests of lobbyists.

Stein remarked that she was astonished to be witnessing a Republican party that appeared to be “unravelling at the seams”. But she also warned that Democrats were moving to the right.

Hillary Clinton’s choice to appoint former Colorado senator and interior secretary Ken Salazar to be her transition director “represents the real Hillary Clinton”, Stein said.

Salazar, she said, is widely considered a reliable friend to the oil, gas, ranching and mining industries. As interior secretary, he opened the Arctic Ocean for oil drilling, and oversaw the response to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Since returning to the private sector, she said, Salazar had become “the lobbyist’s lobbyist – a man who strongly supports fracking, is in favor of the [Keystone XL] pipeline and likely to ensure such projects are approved in the future, and supports the Trans-Pacific partnership”.

“So when people say: ‘Hasn’t the Democratic party moved to the left?’ – well, talk is cheap. His appointment unveils the real Hillary Clinton who would take office. We’re seeing how much faith people should put into the new vision of the Democratic party. It’s a case of buyer beware. ”

Refusal by the Public to Call for Action to Forestall GWCC is Like Holocaust

In the 1930s and 1940s, victims of the potential holocaust in Europe, Gypsies and Jews principally, sensed their danger but in many cases failed to take whatever actions they could to escape from Germany and Poland or from Europe. Although many Jews did sell all their property (for deep losses) and secure passports and visas to escape Germany and Poland, many who could have done so were “in denial” and told themselves that things would not be “that bad”. (Of course, poor people had little chance to escape.)

The lesson here is simple: when a whole population—today, the entire human race—is faced with an onrushing disaster, it can be “in denial” and ignore the problem, or it can grapple with the problem, often at great social and personal expense and inconvenience.

In other words, people have a choice: deliberately incur expense and inconvenience today (by ending use of fossil-fuels, etc.) or continue living life-as-usual and (also deliberately) condemn the human race and the rest of life on earth to terrible destruction.

This is exactly the choice that many Jews in Germany responded to by getting out of Germany at the sacrifice of all their possessions and the costs of separating their families, separating from their friends, etc. But it is also the choice that many other Jews in Germany responded to by staying in Germany and ultimately perishing in Hitler’s death-camps.

Both choices were hard choices. Not everyone had a choice. But those that did had to choose.

Today we all have to choose how hard to tell our political representatives to treat GWCC as an emergency and to stop stalling.

With GWCC as With Holocaust, Many Are Saying That “We Didn’t Know” That There is an Emergency

In Nuremberg after World War II, high German officials were put on trial by the USA-Russia-Britain-France for various war crimes including the killing of 3 million Polish Jews.

These defendants said, as to the killing of Jews by Hitler’s Gestapo and SS, mostly in death-camps or concentration-camps, that “we didn’t know.” These claims were mostly transparent lies and most of these defendants were convicted of war-crimes and hung.

Today, politicians are either claiming that GWCC is a “hoax” (another way of saying that “we know that there is no crisis”) or are going so slow in taking positive, energetic, comprehensive steps to forestall GWCC that they seem to be saying, “Yes, yes, we know that GWCC is serious, but we also know that it is not a crisis, and we know that nothing need be done soon, and nothing need be done which will inconvenience anyone—especially not our major political-donors such as the oil-gas industry.” In other words, they are saying (in advance) that “We didn’t know.”

They lie.

And most of the German leaders who said “We didn’t know” at their war-crimes trials after the holocaust were hung.

One important difference: fair or unfair, there were “victors” after WWII, and the trials at Nuremberg were examples, some say, of “victors’ justice”.

There will be no victors year-by-year as GWCC goes unchecked, just victims.


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