Opinions of Peter Belmont
Speaking Truth to Power

Olmert’s boast really a call for help

by Peter A. Belmont / 2009-01-17
© 2009 Peter Belmont


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Israel’s PM Olmert boasted that his emergency call to Bush caused US to abstain in recent UNSC vote. Both his emergency call and his boast may have been part of a “cry for help.”


Some believe as to Olmert’s Boast of ‘Shaming’ Rice that The Mistake Was To Talk About It In Public.

That’s one view.

Another view is that it was a part of a well-calculated “cry for help” on the part of Olmert who has already stated that there must be a two-state solution and sees that the present Warsaw-Ghetto-style slaughter, although it may (perhaps) end Hamas’s barrage of rockets into Israel, is not a path to ultimate peace but is, rather, a manufacturing process for years of enemies including rocketeers and suicide bombers.

And indeed, although many Israelis still wish to lord it over a captive Palestinian people without ever making an acceptable peace, and therefore seek to continue America’s AIPAC-mediated role as enabler of Israel’s policy of occupation-without-end (and war-without-end), at least a few, including Olmert, wish to end the stand-off and to get the US as an active promoter of actual peace efforts (which the US has so far only claimed to be).

One way toward this goal is to show the US people the stranglehold that AIPAC has had on our government, get the US people and Congress to throw off their chains, and encourage soon-to-be-President Obama to get involved in a real two state solution, as to which, see here.

Olmert’s emergency call to Bush and subsequent bragging about it may have been intended to “go public” and cause a furor. If so intended, they may be seen as a covert “cry for help”, an attempt to show the US people the AIPAC stranglehold and so, at long last, to get the US people (and Congress) thinking about how US policy is made.

The emergency call and public boasting about it may not have been the most important of Olmert’s “cries for help”. In recent days, the long siege of Gaza followed by the Warsaw-Ghetto-like horrors of the bombardment and invasion of Gaza have finally and strongly got the attention of US Jews (and others) who, at long last, have seen what US support for Israel (and US granting of immunity and impunity to Israel) have resulted in.

Let’s hope that these “cries”, including the purpose and effect of Israel massive assault on Gaza, following its quieter but savage siege (blockade on food, water, fuel, electricity, medicines and medical equipment, spare parts, and on independent reporting!), will be heard as a spur to real action in Washington, whether or not acknowledged as a “cry for help” from Israel.


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