Opinions of Peter Belmont
Speaking Truth to Power

The project of returning the earth to the cockroaches couldn’t be in better hands!

by Peter A. Belmont / 2022-10-25
© 2022 Peter Belmont


Re: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/10/21/nevada-republicans-election-denier-sabotage-midterms/

To the Editor:

The project of returning the earth to the cockroaches couldn’t be in better hands!

The depressing article “In Nevada, election deniers prepare to sabotage the midterms” (Oct 21) sounds like a death knell for America and human life on earth. The hysterical and blindered-to-all-reality power-lust of today’s Republicans is indeed frightening to watch.

The Republican party has gone crazy, considerably energized by corporate interests (called “conservative”) whose political spending opposes taxes on wealthy people (which is not the same as opposing taxes on wealthy corporations, and seems a misuse of corporate political spending), and also opposes spending on any effort remotely likely to slow or reverse climate change. They seem to wish to “save” capitalist political control temporarily at the slight cost of ending human life on earth.

Lemming-like group suicide comes to mind. So does the image of Slim Pickens riding the doomsday bomb in the movie “Dr. Strangelove”.

The Republican party also seems energized, in part, by evangelical Protestants many of whom are part of America’s large racist population (which leads them to the white-nationalist democracy-destroying Republicans) and who also believe that promoting “end times” is a good idea. Although the mechanism, “Armageddon”, for producing earth-ending “end times” which they believe is supposed to be a war beginning in the Middle-East (which explains their strong support for war-prone Israel), it appears that destroying the planet by resolutely refusing to oppose climate change will do just as well.

I’m not sure that the CEOs of the large corporations have thought this through: they may not, actually, desire to end human life on earth. The evangelicals, too, may not have thought this through, since mankind’s heat-death by global warming may not, strictly speaking, be the “Armageddon” mentioned in Revelations. But why be picky?

As Roseanne Roseannadanna so cogently, and with near-universal application, observed, “Never mind” and “It’s always something”. The project of returning the earth to the cockroaches couldn’t be in better hands!


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